Why protein is everywhere and why missing an 82.3% market growth costs you sales

We are living in some sort of a protein mania.

The worldwide market for protein products is booming and is projected to reach $47 billion by 2032, up from $26 billion in 2021—a growth rate of about 82.3%!

How on earth did this happen?

Partly because so many people are avoiding carbs and fats., but now, the message we hear is to reduce both fats and carbs and go for foods, enriched with protein. It seems that people are constantly searching for something they could consume in large quantities, yet avoid weight gain.

So, in protein we trust! And whether it’s a fad or not; we are willing to spend money on it.

The most popular protein-products contain whey protein, because …

  • Whey protein is a high-quality protein derived from milk, known for its fast absorption,
  • Whey protein is key for muscle growth and helps recover sore muscles after exercise,
  • Whey protein is easily digestible,
  • Whey protein is convenient and available in various forms, like powders, shakes, bars and more.

Invest in whey protein to stay on trend and see your sales soar!

Improve your range with weight-loss products as well (Did you know that 53% of Europeans are overweight?)

More than a half of Europeans are overweight and we noticed a growing demand for weight loss products. By offering both protein and weight-loss products, you will attract a large customer base.

  • Our fat burn products are effective and can actually help customers achieve weight loss.
  • Weight loss products, lead to high customer satisfaction and loyalty. Happy customers are more likely to become repeat buyers.
  • Cross-promotion: Whey protein and fat burn products complement other supplements. Launch versatile bundle deals and cross-promotions to sell multiple products at once.
  • Growing health market: Since 2020, health and wellness market is expanding rapidly, with more consumers than ever that are prioritizing their health.

Offering whey protein and fat burn products is an excellent business move for 2024. Attract loyal customers, improve your brand’s reputation, and drive business growth and revenue!

Write to us at [email protected] or book a meeting here!

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